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Forgot Password

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 16 March 2023
 (1 rating)

Forgot Password

The "forgot password" feature allows users to reset their password in case they have forgotten it or are having trouble logging into their account due to a password issue. Typically, when a user clicks on the "forgot password" link or button, they are directed to a popup where they can enter the email address associated with their account. The system then verifies the email address and then security question associated with that email or username will show. The user can then enter the answer and if the answer is correct user then able to change the password.
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The "forgot password" feature allows users to reset their password in case they have forgotten it or are having trouble logging into their account due to a password issue.

Typically, when a user clicks on the "forgot password" link or button, they are directed to a popup where they can enter the email address associated with their account. The system then verifies the email address and then security question associated with that email or username will show.

The user can then enter the answer and if the answer is correct user then able to change the password.

Release notes (1.0.0)
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