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Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 12 January 2023
 (2 ratings)


The application is a replica of Instagram, but with added features such as the ability to watch short videos, read news, and customize the application to match the user's interests. Additionally, the application includes various interesting features, such as customized notifications.
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I am currently developing an Instagram replica using OutSystems, with the goal of creating an application that surpasses Instagram in terms of features and functionality. I plan to explain all of the new features that I am implementing in this application and how I am implementing them.

One of the key features of the application is the Splash Screen. I have made several improvements to the pre-built Splash Screen provided by OutSystems, such as changing the theme and background and adding a logo to the bottom to improve the overall user interface. I have also made some minor changes such as implementing a fade transition and reducing the splash screen timeout.

Another important aspect of the application is the Dashboard. I have made some changes to the pre-built design to ensure that the application looks perfect. The header of the dashboard includes the title of the application, "Instagram", and a menu bar on the left side that allows users to navigate to different screens within the application. Additionally, there is a login button on the bottom that allows all users to access the application, regardless of whether they are logged in or not. On the right side of the header, there are two icons - one for notifications and one for creating new posts.

The bottom bar includes four icons: Home, Reels, Camera, and News. Home redirects users to the home screen, Reels allows users to watch short videos, Camera opens the device's camera, and News provides users with news updates. Additionally, there is a mode icon that allows users to switch between dark mode and normal mode.

The Notification section will inform users about any new features and updates in the application. The New Post feature is only accessible through the application's APK, as it includes biometric security and requires a fingerprint to post.

In summary, I am developing an Instagram replica using OutSystems, with the goal of creating an application that surpasses Instagram in terms of features and functionality. I am implementing various new features, including a custom Splash Screen, an improved Dashboard, and a new post feature with biometric security.

Release notes (1.0.0)
License (1.0.0)
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