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Single Sign-On Mobile

Stable version 1.0.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 24 April 2023 by 
 (1 rating)

Single Sign-On Mobile

Improve your mobile applications and PWAs security by adding Single Sign-On to provide authentication through your Identity Provider.
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Single Sign-On helps organizations in managing authentication by delegating authorization and authentication to a single Identity Provider. For end-users, it benefits them in having a single login that can be used in all applications of a given organization. 

With this plugin you will be able to add Single Sign-On to your Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and Mobile Applications. This will enable your end-users to quickly authenticate and improve the experience of using multiple apps in the same organization. 

How to use this plugin

Active App Authentication

If you are not yet using Single Sign-On on your applications, you may need to activate it and configure your identity provider. Please check the official documentation

If you want to have authentication between app types, meaning that once authenticated you can jump to another app without needing to write your credentials again, please check the documentation on how to do it.

Install the Plugin 

Download and install this plugin. You can check our documentation and install the demo app to aid you on your SSO adoption. 

Update your app to support SSO

Traditionally, OutSystems apps have built-in login where the user writes his username and password directly in the app. With SSO, the user is routed to a webview to add his credentials, meaning that if you support SSO the app authentication experience may improve by replacing the username/password inputs with a link to authenticate through SSO or automatically route the user when opening the app. 

Sample app

To view a demo of this app, click the dropdown option of the Download button at the top of the page. You’ll be able to see an example of how the current version of the Single Sign-On Plugin can be implemented in an app.

MABS compatibility

MABS 9.0 or above


Copyright (C) 2022 OutSystems, MIT License.


Release notes (1.0.1)

- Removes dependency on Outsystems UI

License (1.0.1)

Copyright (C) 2022 OutSystems, MIT License.

Reviews (0)