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HashiCorp Vault Transit Engine

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 02 February 2022
 (0 ratings)

HashiCorp Vault Transit Engine

Integration of HashiCorp Vault Transit Engine. Encrypt, Decrypt, Sign and Verify data.
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HashiCorp Vault is a solution to manage secrets and protect sensitive data. This component here wraps the HashiCorp Vault Transit Engine features. Transit Engines provides the following features

  • Encrypt and Decrypt data (encryption as a service)
  • Sign and Verify data
  • Create and manage data encryption keys for offline encryption and decryption.

In order to use the server actions from this component you need to akquire an access token first. Retrieving an access token, by one of the supported authentication mechanisms can be done using the HashiCorp Vault Core component here on Forge.

We release additional secret engines of HashiCorp Vault over time here on forge.

The companion demo application does not only show how to use this component, but also provides direct links to HashiCorp Vault documentation.

This component is developed and maintained by ISD FENIQS - www.isdfeniqs.com. Please use the support forum for questions of all kinds. For professional services please contact the author via personal message.

Release notes (1.0.0)
Reviews (0)
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