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Google Maps Markers

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 07 November 2021
 (1 rating)

Google Maps Markers

This component by receiving the markers information will automatically add it to the map and attached them with display content to be shown when the user passes through the marker (it will open an information window) for reactive applications.
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There are situations where there are a large number of markers that are close to each other and so makes it difficult to read the map. Therefore, the component will create clusters (the number on the cluster indicates how many markers it contains) to make the map more plausible to read.

This tool has the following inputs:

  • MapsAPI_Key -> API Key for Google Maps Javascript (How to configure Maps JavaScript API)
  • JsonFile -> Receive a JSON File Serialize by the structure of the markers. The structure must have at least these two attributes, lat and lng, both as decimal types. It defines the coordinates of each marker. The rest of the attributes are used as content for the information window
  • ShowInfoWindow -> Allows displaying the content in each marker. If the marker does not have content, the information window will not popup
  • Zoom -> By default the zoom is automatically calculated accordingly with all the markers coordinates. However, this can be defined by the user. The minimum zoom allowed is 1
  • MapType -> This allows the user to select the map type. By default is the road map
  • ShowCoordinates -> This defines if the coordinates are shown in the information window. Therefore, this variable only works if 'showInfoWindow' is equal to true

Accordingly, with the input's configurations, this component will create a map with all the markers defined in the Jsonfile input. It was based on Google Javascript Map API.

Release notes (1.0.0)
Reviews (1)
in version 1.0.0
Very useful component! The demo is also well done.
Thank you!
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