Users access the 'Forgot Password' page and enter their email to receive a reset link. If email is found, link is sent to them, with temporary token to allow the change to happen.
To Use:
Simply reference the web blocks from this component into your reactive app and fill with details.
Web blocks and logic control the UI blocks you can bring into your app, as well as server actions sending the email and resetting the password.
Demo App:
This is an example app to show how the blocks should be pulled in. Keep in mind if you change the screen names from the defaults here, you'll need to adjust the input parameter for the reset link in the 'ForgotPassword' block.
Other Reminders:
- Ensure your email settings are set up in Service Center to be able to send emails
- Add a link from your main login page to your new 'Forgot Password' page
- The Blocks don't have a UI theme to keep them lightweight, css can be adjusted or inherited from your app
- This uses the email field of the users table for lookup, may need modification if your usernames are emails and the email field is blank.
(Icon made by Freepik from Flaticon)
Removed separate Traditional app to send email now that reactive apps allow emails.