Reactive icon

Build Icons

version 1.2.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 05 October 2022
 (2 ratings)

Build Icons

The component allows us to manage and customize icons inside of applications at any time without changing them at the code level.
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  1. Select SVG
  2. Give Name of Icons (Which will be used as the class name for Icon)
  3. Click Add Font
  4. Once uploaded all the Icons. Click Generate Font to create a font file for added icons.
  5. You can Preview Icons from Preview Screen.
  6. Finally, Add "PrepareFont" client actions in your application on ready.
  7. Now All icons you added in this forge component will be available as font, we can use respective class names to use in our applications.

This component is offering to change icons at the level of the application life cycle without changing them at the code level.

We need new features as the user can download their font file and font CSS for manual integrations.

Release notes (1.2.0)

Fixed Major Bugs:

  1. Getting Icon Directions from User
  2. Handling non-font-supported SVG file

New Feature:

  1. Enabled options to download font-file & font CSS

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