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How to Mock API

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 24 April 2021
 (3 ratings)

How to Mock API

The multiple ways of approaching the creation of mock data in a project. Examples.
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The fact that OutSystems is a fast development platform has created a problem in API-driven projects. Blocking teams regarding APIs needs.

Thus, the development team is often blocked due to external API dependencies. This leads to extra work to unblock themselves from those dependencies, through the creation of mock APIs. Mocking is part of the software development lifecycle in almost every organization. And with CI / CD, to continuously develop and test applications you have to handle multiple dependencies.

Some advantages to using API mocks in your development:

  • You can do feature work even if your external dependencies are unavailable
  • You have the flexibility to emulate the API structure you want
  • You can repeatedly test the same scenarios
  • Frontend developers and backend developers can work in parallel
  • The frontend can act as a standalone application during development without any backend API dependencies.
  • Easy to demo
  • The mock API can easily be replaced with the Real API once it’s ready

The purpose of this component is to help reduce the negative impact that the uncontrolled creation of mock data can have on projects and applications that are being developed, through 3 different approaches to building mock APIs in OutSystems.

This component will show how you can begin frontend development by mocking the backend through these 3 simple approaches:

  • JSON in Server Action (or Service Actions)
  • API mocking frameworks and tools
Release notes (1.0.0)
Reviews (3)
in version 1.0.0
I first review this component as misleading because it was missing the "How to" title. Since then, the owners update it, which I think is great of them to pay attention to the community around them. Although there is definitely space to improve on this How-to, I'm giving it 5 stars anyways.
in version 1.0.0
Misleading title. Where's the POC ?
in version 1.0.0
Latency  and hindrance in projects due to slow API design is usually overcome by mocking them in OutSystems.
It is the most effective way to accelerate development and to create a MLP ( minimum lovable project).
A "How to" on  this subject is more than useful and very valuable on the perspective of agile development.
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