This is a first version of an integration library with the iManage Document Management System. Currently it does not wrap all REST endpoints but just the most used ones. I plan to update and extend this library frequently. Feedback is always welcome.
What you will need to use this library
Iam using and building this library with an on-premise installation of iManage.
Currently available
Note: The wrapper functions for search return only a subset of possible attributes. Take a look into the REST call and adapt to your needs (including the ResponseStructure). Paging is not yet implemented.
The iManage REST API is very powerful. If you intend to use this library you will need access to the REST API v2 Documentation provided by iManage. Please also install the Demo Application which gives some additional explanations and tryouts.
Use at your own risk. Iam not affiliated with iManage or one of their partners.
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