Action "GenerateGuid":
Just call it. And it returns GUID, e.g. 'cb29bcae-4409-4ffd-a5d2-7fbc6d9af856 '
Action "GenerateFormattedGUID":
In this action to generate a GUID you need to provide the format specifier. Check information below the image. But possible values are: N, D, B, P, X.
Example of input:
FormatSpecifier: "N"
GUID: "366ff74b27aa4b41add315709f088b97"
Possible formats (image from Microsoft docs):
Action 'GenerateFormattedGUIDfromString':
This action returns a GUID base on a GUID string provided and it's specifier format.
example of input:
StringGUID: "366ff74b27aa4b41add315709f088b97"
GUID: "366ff74b-27aa-4b41-add3-15709f088b97"