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Cupertino Pane Drawer

Stable version 1.0.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 28 September 2020 by 
 (2 ratings)

Cupertino Pane Drawer


Getting Started

Use from CDN

If you don't want to include Cupertino Pane files in your project, you may use it from CDN. The following files are available:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Include Files To App/Website

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <script src="path/to/cupertino-pane.min.js"></script>

Add HTML Layout

<div class="cupertino-pane">
    <div class="content">Content</div>    

Additional CSS Styles

.cupertino-pane {
    margin: 20px;

Initialize Cupertino Pane

  window.onload = function () {
    var myPane = new CupertinoPane(
      '.cupertino-pane', // Pane container selector
        parentElement: 'body', // Parent container
        initialShow: false,
        breaks: {
            top: { enabled: false, offset: -70 },
            middle: { enabled: true, offset: 0 },
            bottom: { enabled: true, offset: 0 },
        onDrag: () => console.log('Drag event')

jQuery example

$(document).ready(function () {
  //initialize pane when document ready
  var myPane = new CupertinoPane('.cupertino-pane', { /* ... */ });

As an ES module

Cupertino Pane package comes with ES module version which can be used where supported or with bundlers like Webpack or Rollup:

import { CupertinoPane } from 'cupertino-pane';

var myPane = new CupertinoPane('.cupertino-pane', { /* ... */ });


Common configuration

  • parentElement | string | Element selector where pane will appended (by default using parent element where html layout placed)
  • initialShow | boolean: false | Determinate if pane will rendered with animation or immediately
  • initialBreak | (top|middle|bottom): 'middle' | Initial pane position
  • darkMode | boolean: false | Initial pane styles
  • backdrop | boolean: false | Dimmed overlay will rendered with pane if true
  • backdropClose | boolean: false | Close pane with click to backdrop element
  • animationType | (ease | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | cubic-bezier): 'ease' | Transition property animation type
  • animationDuration | number: 300 | Transition property duration
  • bottomClose | boolean: false | Close pane with drag to bottom breakpoint
  • freeMode | boolean: false | On true will remove automatical magnetic effects to near breakpoint.
  • buttonClose | boolean: true | Determinate whetever close button will render or not
  • topperOverflow | boolean: true | Ability to scroll content inside pane if topper point reached
  • topperOverflowOffset | number: 0 | Offset from screen bottom to the end of overflow content
  • showDraggable | boolean: true | Render rectangular shape on the top of pane
  • clickBottomOpen | boolean: true | If bottom position reached, simple click to pane will open pane to the next upper point


  • breaks | {} | Using to override default pane breakpoints. Note that necessary to define all three breakpoints when override, with new enabled and offset if needs.
    • top | {} | Topper point that pane can reach
      • enabled | boolean: true | Enable or disable breakpoint
      • offset | number: 0 | Additional bottom margin if needs
    • middle | {} | Middle point that pane can reach
      • enabled | boolean: true | Enable or disable breakpoint
      • offset | number: 0 | Additional bottom margin if needs
    • bottom | {} | Bottom point that pane can reach
      • enabled | boolean: true | Enable or disable breakpoint
      • offset | number: 0 | Additional bottom margin if needs


        The function that executes when the event fires.
  • onDidDismiss | void: () => {} | Call after pane will dissapeared
  • onWillDismiss | void: () => {} | Call before pane will dissapeared
  • onDidPresent | void: () => {} | Call after pane will present
  • onWillPresent | void: () => {} | Call before panel will present
  • onDragStart | void: () => {} | Call when detect user drag event on pane
  • onDrag | void: () => {} | Call executes on each new pane position

Public Methods


Will render pane DOM and show pane with setted params.


moveToBreak('top' | 'middle' | 'bottom')

Will change pane position with animation to selected breakpoint.



Dissappear pane from screen, still keep pane in DOM.



Determinate if pane position was moved out of screen, but pane still exist in DOM.

if (myPane.isHidden()) {



Set for element to automaticaly hide on reach bottom breakpoint.

<div class="cupertino-pane">
    <div class="content" hide-on-bottom>Content</div>    


Set for element with overflow ability. By default using for full pane area, but in some cases good useful with header.

<div class="cupertino-pane">
    <div class="content" overflow-y>Content</div>    

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