Amazon Lex is a service for building conversational interfaces into applications using voice and text. This connector allows you to use the following Lex Runtime V2 capabilities in your OutSystems applications:
DeleteSession: Removes session information for a specified bot, alias, and user ID.
GetSession: Returns session information for a specified bot, alias, and user.
PutSession: Creates a new session or modifies an existing session with an Amazon Lex V2 bot. Use this operation to enable your application to set the state of the bot.
RecognizeText: Interprets user input using the machine learning model built for the bot.
RecognizeUtterance: Interprets user input using the machine learning model built for the bot.
This connector is based on the AWS SDK for .NET v3.
To use the Amazon Lex connector you must have:
To use the Amazon Lex connector you will also need to configure a bot to interact with your users. You can find more information about building and deploying bots to suit your needs here.
See the AWS documentation for detailed information about getting started and developing apps with Amazon Lex.
To configure your connector to access Amazon Lex, you need the following information:
The access key ID of your AWS access key
The secret access key of your AWS access key
The AWS Region of the service endpoint to which you want to connect. To reduce latency, choose a region close to your application server. See the API documentation for the list of region names.
Use the above authentication information to fill in the AWSCredentials parameters in all of the public actions available in the AmazonLex_IS module. The OutSystems parameters are:
Each time you run an action from the connector, authentication in Amazon Lex follows this logic:
If the AWSCredentials input parameter is passed (this parameter is mandatory), the parameter values are used for authentication.
If the values in the AWSCredentials input parameter are not set or are set incorrectly, this exception displays: “Invalid credentials to Amazon Lex service."
This logic is also visible in the ValidateCredentials action.