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DocuSign V2.0 and V2.1

Stable version 1.0.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 10 May 2020
 (1 rating)

DocuSign V2.0 and V2.1


Following are the actions user can use to integration the DocuSign services:

  • Authentication: This action allow developers to get logic information for a specified user.
  • CreateandSendEnvelope: This action is used to create and send envelope for electronic signature
  • CreateandSendEnvelopeCustomBody: This action is used to create and send envelope for electronic signature, the difference from CreateandSendEnvelope is, it allows developers to create and pass customised request as an input
  • DownloadDocument: This action can be used to download document for specified envelope id.
  • GenerateXDocuSignAuthenticationKey: This is a utility action used to create XDocuSignAuthenticationKey required in all other actions. It takes Username, Password and IntegrationKey as in input. For more information to fetch this details refer
  • GetAuditEvents: List all the audit events for the specified envelope
  • GetEnvelopeStatus: Fetches the status for specified envelope
  • ListDocuments: List all the documents in specified envelope
  • ListEnvelopes: List all the envelopes for specified account id
  • UpdateDocument: Allows user to update an existing document
  • UpdateDocumentCustomBody: Same as above, difference is that developer can pass customised JSON as an input
  • UpdateEnvelope: Allows user to update an existing envelope
  • UpdateEnvelopeCustomBody: Same as above, difference is that developer can pass customised JSON as an input