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Prompt to Install PWA

version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 15 April 2020
 (3 ratings)

Prompt to Install PWA


How to use this plugin?

All you have to do is place the PromptIToInstallOnIOS block where it makes more sense in your app, style it to match your brand and you are good to go. 

As a rule of thumb, for better conversion consider your user journeys and decide when users would be likely to commit to adding the app to their device's home screen.

The component also offers two helper functions. One that allows checking if the user is using iOS Safari (isIOSSafari) and another one to check if the app is already running in standalone mode (isRunningAsPWA)

For further customization of the button, the CSS class  'ios-pwa-install-btn' is also available.

Known limitations:

  • It is not possible to detect that a user has already added the PWA to their home screen in iOS Safari. The block will continue to show up if they visit the site again in Safari. (The block will not show up when the app is running in 'standalone' mode, i.e. launched from the user's home screen).