Check the medium post:
Here’s the recipe to add DnD [2, 3] to your OutSystems’ applications:
1.. Drag and drop the SortableJS placeholder to any screen/Web Block;
2.. Give a name do the placeholder and add that same name to the ListName input;
3.. Add sortable items inside (note that they can be inside a wrapper or not). An example could be a Table (Figure 1 and 2) with rows inside as the sortable items; a List; or simply containers (Figure 3);
4.. If you need to drag items from one wrapper to another, repeat steps from 1 to 3, as many times as the number of wrappers you need;
5.. Add the CSS-selector to the wrapper. In the case of Figures 1 and 2, the query selector was the following:
“#” + Table.Id + “ tbody”
6.. Optionally, add some configurations in the JSON input, such as:
“{ animation: 200, group: { name: ‘list_group’ }, sort: true, handle: ‘.table-handler’}”
Note that the group property is required if one has several wrappers to drag and drop items from/to. All wrappers must be in the same group, in order to move items between them. Also, a handle can be added. In this case, the CSS class would be added to the icon on the right in Figure 2. This is just a simple JSON example, but you can already understand its usefulness. For more configuration options, see the library documentation⁹.
7.. Add an OnDragEndHandler to eventually save the novel list(s) configurations. An example of this client action is shown below:
That’s it! No more steps! This is as easy as it gets!