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Application Business Value and ROI Analysis

Stable version 1.0.3 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 24 February 2022
 (4 ratings)

Application Business Value and ROI Analysis


Pyze- Outsystems Traditional Web app Integration

Step 1: Install and initialize Pyze into the OutSystems Traditional Web App.

  • Download the Pyze component for Traditional OutSystems Web App
  • Import the Pyze component as a dependency inside the Traditional Web App as shown below.
  • Find a common web-block that is present in all the screens, if not then create one invisible web-block and add to all screens.
  • Add & edit the preparation action of the web-block.  Drag the 'InitializePyze' action inside the action flow as shown below.
  • Add the mandatory 'pyzeAppKey' obtained from and optional 'dimensions' if required as JSON string as shown above.
  • You are now ready to build the project and see installs in

Step 2:  Add custom events

  • To post custom event to Pyze, drag and drop 'PostCustomEvent' action in the action flow. Replace the 'eventName' attribute value with the desired event name.
  • Drag 'PostCustomEventWithAttribute' action if you want to add attributes to your event as shown below. 'attributes' is a JSON string.

Step 3: Post Timed Events

Pyze has made it easy for you to capture duration between events. Pyze supports timed events using the following API's

  • startTimerForEvent - Use this API start timer for a particular event by passing the event name attribute.
  • postTimedEvent  - Use this API to end the timer and post the event with duration. This API accepts the event name attribute.
  • postTimedEventWithAttributes - This is similar to `postTimedEvent` API, it accepts a additional attributes parameter which is of type dictionary object.

Step 4: User Profile API's

  • Pyze offers User Profile API to segment data based on users.
  • You can use 'SetUserProfile' action to set the user profile to Pyze. It accepts 'userId', 'pyzeProfileAttributes' and 'customProfileAttributes'.
  • where 'userId' is a unique user identifier string and 'pyzeProfileAttributes' are specific keys shown in the table below.

Pyze User Profile Field Name
Data Type/Description
(string) User background, biography or historical data
(string) Country codes must be sent in the ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 standard.
(object) Format: {“longitude”: -33.991894, “latitude”: 25.243732}
(the date at which the user first used the app) String in ISO 8601 format or in yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSSZ format.
(the date at which the user last used the app) String in ISO 8601 format or in yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSSZ format.
(date of birth) String in the format “YYYY-MM-DD”, for example, 1984-06-01.
(string) Email Id
(string) Acceptable values are “opt_in” (explicit approval to receive email messages), “opt_out” (explicit denial to email messages), and “subscribed” (neither opted in nor out).
Automatically updated when a hard bounce occurs (true or false)
Automatically updated when a user marks your email as spam, via the ISP (true or false)
Facebook ID
(string) User’s First name
(string) “M”, “F”, “O” (other), “N” (not applicable), “P” (prefer not to say) or “U” (unknown).
(string) User’s Home City
(string) URL of an image to be associated with the user
(string) Require language to be sent in the ISO-639-1 standard.
(string) User’s Last Name
(string) The date at which the user’s email was marked as spam. Must be in ISO 8601 format or in yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSSZ format.
(string) Phone number
(string) Available values are “opted_in” (explicitly registered to receive push messages), “unsubscribed” (explicitly opted out of push messages), and “subscribed” (neither opted in nor out).
The array of objects with app_id and token string. You may optionally provide a device_id for the device this token is associated with, e.g., [{“app_id”: App Identifier, “token”: “abcd”, “device_id”: “optional_field_value”}]. If a device_id is not provided, one will be randomly generated.
(string) Time Zones must be sent as per IANA Time Zone Database (e.g., “America/New_York” or “Eastern Time (US & Canada)”). Only valid values will be respected.
Twitter ID

  • Attributes which are not present above and you want to track them can be sent as 'customProfileAttributes'
  • Use 'UpdateUserProfile' action to update the attributes set to the user. You cannot call this API if the user is not set already.
  • Call 'ResetUserProfile' to reset the user profile. This action will remove the user data from the device.

Note : All the attributes objects are of a type JSON string. Example of JSON string : "{""key1"":""value1"",""key2"":""value2""}". 

  • values here can be variable, for example : "{""key"":"""+variable+"""}"