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JSON Tool Kit

Stable version 1.1.2 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 12 Jul (10 days ago) by 
 (3 ratings)

JSON Tool Kit



First the JSON passed as source needs always a root element (in the below example there's a 'root' property, could be with any other name):

  • Result


This action converts a XML string to JSON.

  • Result


This action returns the selected token.

  • Result


This action returns the selected tokens.

  • Result


This action load a JSON, and then you can add a property, returning the new JSON with the new property included.

If IsJSONValue is true, the PropertyValueToAdd it is considered as a JSON string.

If IsJSONArray is true and IsJSONValue is false, the PropertyValueToAdd it is considered as a JSON array string.

If IsJSONValue and IsJSONArray are both false, the PropertyItemToAddToArray is considered as single string.

  1. If the new property is a JSON array
  2. If the new property is JSON string
  3. If the property is a text literal


This action load a JSON, and then you can add a array item, returning the new JSON with the new array item.

If IsJSONValue is true, the PropertyItemToAddToArray is considered as a JSON string. Otherwise, it is considered as single string.

  1. If the new property is JSON string
  2. If the property is a text literal


Transforms a property value to upper case.

  • Result


This action load a JSON, and then you can remove a property, returning the new JSON without that property.

  • Result

More info about, and how to use it:




  • First the JSON passed as source needs always a root element (in the below example there's a 'root' property, could be with any other name):

  'root': {
    'person': [
        '@id': '1',
        'name': 'Alan',
        'url': ''
        '@id': '2',
        'name': 'Louis',
        'url': ''

  • Example of the action AddArrayItem (This action load a JSON, and then you can add a array item. Returns the new JSON with the new array item):

   a) JSON source input parameter: 

  'root': {
    'title': 'Star Wars',
    'link': '',
    'description': 'Star Wars blog.',
    'obsolete': 'Obsolete value',
    'item': []

b) The other inputs parameters:

c) The result:

  • Example of the action AddProperty (This action load a JSON, and then you can add a property. Returns the new JSON with the new property included.):

a) JSON source input parameter: 

  'root': {
    'person': [
        '@id': '1',
        'name': 'Alan',
        'url': ''
        '@id': '2',
        'name': 'Louis',
        'url': ''

b) The other inputs parameters:

c) The result:

  • Example of the action JSONtoXML(Converts JSON into XML):

a) JSON source input parameter: 

b) The other inputs parameters:

c) The result:

  • Example of the action PropertyValueToUpper(Transforms a property value to upper case.)

a) JSON source input parameter: 

b) The other inputs parameters:

c) The result:

  • Example of the action RemoveProperty(This action load a JSON, and then you can remove a property. Returns the new JSON without that property):

a) JSON source input parameter: 

b) The other inputs parameters:

c) The result:

  • Example of the action SelectToken(This action returns the selected token.)

a) JSON source input parameter: 

b) The other inputs parameters:

c) The result:

  • Example of the action SelectTokens(This action returns the selected tokens.):

a) JSON source input parameter: 

b) The other inputs parameters:

c) The result:

  • Example of the action XMLtoJSON(This action returns the selected tokens.):

a) JSON source input parameter: 

b) The other inputs parameters:

c) The result:

More info about, and how to use it:

