This component consists of a sample app showing a Pyze web integration. This includes sdk installation, custom events and attributes, timed events, and usage of OutSystems local variables as custom attributes.
Pyze OutSystems Integration
Pyze Low-code Analytics User Guide
For more details on Web and Mobile integrations, access:
Pyze Web Application Analytics
Pyze Mobile Analytics for Apache Cordova
This sample includes the following key elements:
The first thing you should do when installing the Pyze SDK is Initialization this adds the sdk to every page within your app, and gets you a ton of out-of-the-box metrics
This is best acheived in the OnApplicationReady event in Client Logic. Copy paste the javascript snippet from the pyze documentation into a JavaScript module on this action:
The sample app has several examples of custom events you can use to guide your implementation. Use custom events to generate business metrics that your organization cares about. These can range from specific technical events like "User interacted with chart", to high-level KPI's such as "Users are following out of the funnel at this point"
Documentation on custom events
You can see an example of a custom event on the main page of this application. When someone hovers their mouse on the chart on this page, we fire simple event noting so.
You can see an example of a custom event with attributes and a passing a local Outsystems variable on the List screen navigation bar. We pass the start index into the javascript function, and send it as a custom attribute.
Pyze has made it easy for you to capture duration between events. Pyze supports timed events using the following API's
We initialize a simple timer in the onReady action to start the timer upon page load.
Then when the user submits the form, we call PostTimedEvent API. We can use this to see how long users are taking to fill out this form, along with any other information we want to include with this event.