Instructions to the Upload Screen
1 - Go to the Interface section and create a new screen or the screen you have to save users/employees
2 - Drag and Drop an Upload widget.
3 - Drag and Drop a Button widget. Change the destination to “New Screen Action” and Rename it to "ProfilePicCreate".
In the end you should obtain a screen like this:
4 - Go to the Logic section and Drag and Drop the server action "CreateProfilePicture" into the Screen action created in step 3. After that, place a destination to the current screen.
5 - Fill the input parameters like the following image
Instructions to place the Web Block
1 - Go to the Interface section, open the screen where you want to display the table of employees.
2 - Create or edit the table and Drag and Drop a web block into the picture column. Change the source to "API\Image".
3 - Fill the input parameters.
UserID - GetUserId()
Height - A Height in pixels
Width - A Width in pixels
ExtendedClass - Any CSS class you want to add
In the end you should have something like this: