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SQL Sandbox

Stable version 3.3.4 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 30 October 2023
 (40 ratings)

SQL Sandbox


2 steps to activate ChatGPT feature:

1. Generate api key https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys. You may signup as well if you don't have account yet.

2. Fill in the Site property OpenAI_SecretKey from SQL module with the secret key

Note: Secret key is shared within the app. When the feature is activated, it will be shared with the other SQL sandbox users.


View SQL Execution Plan - https://johnalvinsalamat.medium.com/viewing-sql-execution-plans-in-outsystems-using-sql-sandbox-8117a59ce9fd


After installing the SQL Sandbox application, you must grant the DML role to a user in order to be able to access the application.

Open the application in the browser. The application allows you to execute any SQL statement directly on the platform database, and displays the results in a tabular view similar to an aggregate preview. Note that the SQL statement must use the physical table names, which you can lookup using the Entities side panel.

Take extreme caution when executing INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements, as they may possibly corrupt data and even cause the OutSystems platform to malfunction beyond repair.