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String Utils

Stable version 1.0.4 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10
 on 03 January 2024
 (10 ratings)

String Utils


String Utils is a library of string utilities extending the OutSystems Platform string manipulation capabilities.

Note: String Utils has no dependencies.

The Strings Utils library needs to be installed first from forge before using any of the actions provided.

How to use this library (Example):

Step 1) Open Service Studio, click on “Install Application”. You will be redirected to the forge page. You write the name of the component, in this case, String Utils.

Step 2) After the download and installation are done, you can open the application where you would like to use the library.

Step 3) Click on “Manage Dependencies” and import the actions given by String Utils library.

The library provides the following actions

  • string Reverse(string input)

  Reverse the given input.  

  • bool EndsWith(string input , string search,  bool ignoreCase)

  Determines whether the end of input string instance matches the search string. ignoreCase determines to ignore case or not.

  •  bool StartsWith(string input , string search,  bool ignoreCase)

  Determines whether the start of input string instance matches the search string. ignoreCase determines to ignore case or not.

  •  string Insert(string input ,int startIndex, string search,  bool insert)

  Returns a new string in which the insert string is inserted at a specified index position in the input.

  • string Left(string input ,int length)

Returns a string containing a specified number(length) of characters from the left side of the input.

  • string Right(string input ,int length)

Returns a string containing a specified number(length) of characters from the right side of the input.

  •  string Remove(string input, int startIndex)

  Returns a new string in which all the characters in the input beginning at a specified position(startIndex) and continuing through the last position, have been deleted.

  • string RemoveDuplicateChars(string input)
  •   Returns a new string with all the duplicate characters removed. 

  •  string RemoveWithCount(string input, int startIndex, int count)

Returns a new string in which a specified number of characters (count)  in the input beginning at a specified position (startIndex) have been deleted.

  • string Replace(string input, string search, string replace) 

Returns a new string in which all occurrences of a specified string (search) in the input are replaced with another specified (replace) string.

  • string UpperCaseFirst(string input) 

Returns a new string upper casing the first character of the input.

  • string ToTitleCase(string input)

Converts the input string to title case (except for words that are entirely in uppercase, which are considered to be acronyms).

To test the functionality before using the library there is a Try Now , using which you can check the output of the provided actions interactively by giving sample inputs.