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Date Time Picker Range

Stable version 1.1.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10
 on 09 September 2019
 (6 ratings)

Date Time Picker Range


A JavaScript component for choosing date ranges, dates and times. The component import Jquery and MomentJs.

You can read all documentation here (

Input Parameters:

Input ParameterDescriptionDataType
InputIdInput Id of the inputText
FormatDate Time formate. Example: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"Text
TimePicker24Hour(true/false) Use 24-hour instead of 12-hour times, removing the AM/PM selection.Boolean
TimePicker(true/false) Adds select boxes to choose times in addition to dates.Boolean
TimePickerSeconds(true/false) Show seconds in the timePicker.Boolean
StartDateThe beginning date of the initially selected date range. If you provide a string, it must match the date format string set in your locale setting.Date Time
EndDateThe end date of the initially selected date range.Date Time
TimePickerIncrementIncrement of the minutes selection list for times (i.e. 30 to allow only selection of times ending in 0 or 30).Integer
ShowWeekNumbersShow localized week numbers at the start of each week on the calendars.Boolean
LinkedCalendarsWhen enabled, the two calendars displayed will always be for two sequential months (i.e. January and February), and both will be advanced when clicking the left or right arrows above the calendars. When disabled, the two calendars can be individually advanced and display any month/year.Boolean
SingleDatePickerShow only a single calendar to choose one date, instead of a range picker with two calendars. The start and end dates provided to your callback will be the same single date chosen.Boolean

The widget event return:

Return DateTime Range, like you see in the input (DataType: Text)
Return Input Id
Return the Date Time start picked
Return the Date Time end picked

How can I use the plugin?

1º Step - You only need to do a Drag and Drop of the widget:

2º Step - Now, you need to configure the input parameters of the widget (check the list and description above). Like that:

3º Step - The widget will trigger you from an event. You need to create an action to receive the data:

PS. In OutSystems Now you can have some issues to pick date, but it is working in native applications.

Enjoy it!