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Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 7 Mar (3 days ago)
 (0 ratings)



This asset utilizes the techniques of "Throttling and Debouncing" to significantly improve performance in various applications. These techniques are particularly useful in scenarios such as auto-saving user input, polling for updates, and tracking mouse movements.


Throttling is a technique used to limit the frequency of a function's execution. By controlling the rate at which a function is called, throttling helps manage resource usage and ensures that systems do not become overwhelmed. 

In computing and networking, throttling is commonly employed to:

Manage Bandwidth: Control the amount of data transmitted over a network to prevent congestion.

API Requests: Limit the number of requests sent to an API within a specific time frame to avoid rate limiting.

CPU Usage: Regulate the processing power used by applications to maintain system performance.

Data Transfer Rates: Control the speed of data transfer to ensure stable and efficient communication.


Debouncing is a technique used to ensure that a function is only executed after a specified period of inactivity. This is particularly useful for scenarios where multiple rapid events can occur, such as user input or mouse movements. Debouncing helps to:

Reduce Redundant Calls: Prevents a function from being called multiple times in quick succession, which can lead to performance issues.

Improve Responsiveness: Ensures that functions are executed only when necessary, leading to a more responsive user experience.

Optimize Resource Usage: Minimizes the use of system resources by reducing the frequency of function calls.


Auto-Save: Automatically save user input at controlled intervals to prevent data loss without overwhelming the system.

Polling for Updates: Regularly check for updates or changes in data at a manageable rate to ensure timely information without excessive resource consumption.

Mouse Move Functions: Track mouse movements efficiently by limiting the frequency of event handling, leading to smoother interactions.


You have to pass the action name to be throttled. This ensures that the specific action you want to control is properly managed by the throttling function.

By incorporating throttling and debouncing, this asset ensures optimal performance and resource management, making it an essential tool for developers looking to enhance the efficiency and responsiveness of their applications.