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URL scanner

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 17 Feb (3 weeks ago)
 (0 ratings)

URL scanner



A URL Scanner is a crucial tool for detecting suspicious links, helping to protect users from phishing, malware, and other online threats. This documentation provides a guide on how to install, use a URL scanning service, and detect malicious URLs.

1. Installation

Sign Up: Create an account on a urlscan.io

API Key: Obtain an API key from your account settings. This key will be used to integrate the scanner with your application.

Integration: Use the provided API documentation to integrate the URL scanner into your application. This typically involves making HTTP requests to the scanner's API endpoint with the URL you want to check.

Submit URL: Send a request to the service action with the URL you want to scan. 

Analyze Results: The response will contain information about the URL, including whether it is flagged as malicious. Review the results to determine the URL's safety.

3. Detecting Malicious URLs

Immediate Analysis: The scanner performs an instant analysis using blacklists, machine learning, and threat intelligence databases.

Behavioral Analysis: It examines the URL's behavior, such as redirect patterns and suspicious scripts.

Content Inspection: The scanner inspects the webpage content for hidden threats.

Reputation Check: It checks the URL's reputation against known databases of malicious sites.