Image Previewer Component Documentation
The Image Viewer is a simple client-side component built using JavaScript. It allows users to view images encoded in base64 or binary format by opening them in a new browser tab. This component takes a base64 string or binary data as input, converts it to an image, and displays it in a newly opened tab. It's useful for developers needing to quickly visualize base64 or binary images without saving them to disk.
Description: Allows users to view a binary image by opening it in a new browser tab.
binary: A binary data object representing the image.
Opens a new browser tab displaying the image.
Description:Allows users to view a base64 encoded image by opening it in a new browser tab.
base64: A string containing the base64 encoded image data.
If the image data (base64 or binary) is not provided as input, an exception is raised with the required error message.