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version 0.1.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 29 November 2024
BlockChain Heroes
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Invoke Smart Contract Methods

With this component you can invoke a method from a Smart Contract in 2 different ways:

- Read-only: Using a call operation you can invoke a method that will not change anything on the block-chain and use no gas (Has no cost)

- Non read-only: Using a send operation you can invoke a method that will change the block-chain and to do that you will need to use gas (Thus it will have a cost and you will need to provide a origin wallet)

Check the info below for more details of what is needed in each case: 

Read-Only (Call Operation)

For a read-only transaction you will need the following information:
  • Web3 Information:
    • Chain Address: An url which will be used as the default RPC client. (E.g:
  • Contract Information:
    • Contract ABI in JSON format: The ABI is sort like the signature of a smart contract.
    • Contract Address in Hex Format: The contract's address in the network in HEX. (E.g: something starting with 0x like 0x281379E.....)

  • Method Information:
    • Method name: The name of the method you want to call. Matching exactly what you have on your contract's ABI.

    • Method parameters: The name and value of any parameter your method may need.

Non-read-only (Send Operation)
For a non-read-only transaction you will need everything need for the call operation plus the following information:

  • Account Information:
    • Wallet Private Key: The wallet private key to be used to sign the transactions. (Don't share this private key with anyone and store it securely)

    • Chain Id: The BlockChain ID you want to use from the network you chose. If you are not sure which ID to use check this site:

  • Method Information
    • Value To Send: The value you want to send as part of this transaction. It can be 0 if you don't want to send anything

    • GasMaxValue: The max amount of gas you will pay. You can use the action Contract_SendMethod_EstimateGas to get the estimated gas before sending the transaction.

Deploy Smart Contracts

With this component you can also programatically deploy a smart contract to the block chain.

In order to do that you will need the following information:

  • Account Information:

    • Wallet Private Key: The wallet private key to be used to sign the transactions. (Don't share this private key with anyone and store it securely)

    • Chain Id: The BlockChain ID you want to use from the network you chose. If you are not sure which ID to use check this site:

  • Web3 Information:
  • Contract Information:
    • Contract ABI in JSON format: The ABI is sort like the signature of a smart contract.

    • Contract Bytecode in hex format: The ByteCode of the smart contract. In the hex format. E.g: "0x608060405234801561001057....". This info can be found when you build your smart contract for instance.

  • Constructor Method Information:
    • Method parameters: The name and value of any parameter the constructor method of your smart contract may need.