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Image Comparison with Resemble.js

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 24 Jul
 (0 ratings)

Image Comparison with Resemble.js



The Image Comparison with Resemble.js component enables advanced image comparison capabilities within OutSystems applications. Leveraging the Resemble.js library, this component performs client-side image comparisons and provides detailed metrics on the differences between two images.


  • Client-Side Image Comparison: Reduces server load by performing comparisons in the browser.
  • Detailed Comparison Data: Provides metrics such as IsSame, dimension differences, RawMisMatchPercentage, MisMatchPercentage, DiffBounds, and AnalysisTime.
  • Easy Integration: Consists of one action and one web block, making it simple to integrate.


  1. Download and Install: Obtain the component from OutSystems Forge and install it into your environment.
  2. Reference in Module: Add the component to your application by referencing it in the module where you want to perform image comparisons.


Web Block :-

  1. Drag and Drop: Add the "ResembleBlock" WebBlock to your screen or web block where image comparison is needed.

Action :-

  1. Action Name: Compare
  2. Inputs:
    • FileOne (Binary , Text): The first image and image name.
    • FileTwo (Binary , Text): The second image and image name.
    • Options (Structure): Options to customize the comparison (e.g., "ignoreColors: true").
  3. Outputs:
    • ComparedImage (Binary): The resulting image highlighting differences.
    • Data (Structure): A record containing detailed comparison metrics:
      • IsSame (Boolean): Whether the images are identical.
      • DimensionDifference (Structure): Differences in dimensions.
      • RawMisMatchPercentage (Decimal): Raw mismatch percentage.
      • MisMatchPercentage (Decimal): Adjusted mismatch percentage.
      • DiffBounds (Structure): Bounding box of differing areas.
      • AnalysisTime (Integer): Time taken for the comparison.