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Forge Plugin Manager

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 19 Jul (3 days ago) by 
 (0 ratings)

Forge Plugin Manager


Why doesn't a Forge component show up in the list?

For listing Forge components, the underlying table OSSYS_APP_FORGE is used from the Outsystems metamodel. However, it only discloses components installed in that specific environment. It's recommended to only install this tool on the environment you install your Forge components usually (for example your Development environment).

How can I enable Check for updates?

Configure your apps

In order to retrieve the details from the Forge, you need to link the component with the Forge component. You can do this by clicking Add configuration, pasting the Forge component detail page URL under Forge URL and clicking Extract Details. After saving, this component will be linked and can be synced.

Configure timer

After linking components, you can manually sync using Settings > Syncs > Start new sync or configure the timer Timer_Sync in the Forge ForgePluginManagerServices module.