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Outsystems Azure SCIM Server

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 13 Jul (3 days ago) by 
 (0 ratings)

Outsystems Azure SCIM Server



Outsystems Configuration

1. Install the component to your Outsystems environment

2. In the Service Center, open the SCIMAzure_API module then set the SCIMToken site property to any token value you prefer (you can use Token Generator)

Azure Setting

1. Login to Azure Portal

2. Open the Enterprise Application

3. Go to Provisioning

4. Under Provisioning, open Admin Credentials

5. Provide the URL and token 

6. Click Test Connection


This component was tested with a free Azure account that does not support the provisioning of Groups. Therefore, group provisioning was not tested but it should work ;) 

1. In Azure, add a new user to Microsoft Entra

2. Open your Enterprise Application and hit Assign users and groups

3. Click Add user/group

4. Click None Selected then search for the user you want to add

5. Select the user then click Select

6. Click Assign button and you should see the new user on the list

7. Go back to Provisioning then click Provision on demand

6. Search and select the user you added

7. Hit Provision

8. The status of the provisioning is displayed

9. To verify the integration, go back to Outsystems and check if the new user exists in the Users entity

* Note that the cycle of automatic provisioning takes about 40 minutes *

Develop and plan provisioning for a SCIM endpoint in Microsoft Entra ID

Outsystems SCIM Services