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SSE Data List Auto Refresh

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 10 Jul (6 days ago) by 
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SSE Data List Auto Refresh


Cook Book:

1. Install from forge


2. Create A Service Module, for example: SSE_Sample_Refresh

3. Manage Dependency the library:

4. Create a Service Action, for example: Broadcast2HellowWorld , with input parameter Message:

5. Drag the action Broadcast from SSE_IS to the Broadcast2HellowWorld's action flow

6. Assign the property Channel to "HelloWorld" and property Message to input parameter Message:

7. Up to this step, the Broadcast action is completed. Next we create the event subscribe REST API

8. Create a REST API to subscribe: SSESubscribe 

9. Put a REST API Method to expose: HelloWorldChannel

10. Drag server action OpenStream from SSE_IS to the flow:

11. Note its URL to be used in the client side: /SSE_Sample_Refresh/rest/SSESubscribe/HelloWorldChannel

12. The subcription rest api to an event is done, now create a Reactive client module, for example: SSE_ClientReactive

13. Install from forge:

14. Manage Dependency the library to the SSE_ClientReactive:

15. Create a screen - Screen1 - and drag the block SSE\EventSource to the screen

16. Assign the block property SSESubscribeURL to the URL taken on before: "/SSE_Sample_Refresh/rest/SSESubscribe/HelloWorldChannel"

17. For the event section, add the handler -EventSourceMessageReceived- for the event MessageReceived:

18. Drag a widget Table to list entity -for example: ArchitectureSpecialist - in your screen:

19. Inside the event handler EventSourceMessageReceived, just refresh the aggregate:

20. Up to now the list screen is ready to get an event notification. Next Create a screen to raise the event and broadcast

21. Create a new screen -ArchitectureSpecialistDetail- to insert a record to the ArchitectureSpecialist entity:

22. On Save, insert the new record and Broadcast that event to subscriber that in this case will refresh its list:

23. If we open two screen - ArchitectureSpecialistDetail and Screen1 - when we insert the entiity record in the ArchitectureSpecialistDetail , the list in Screen1 will auto refresh automatically