This Component Provides below Actions:
GeneratePGPKey: This is used to generate Public / Private keys. You need to pass identity and PassPharse
PGP_Text_Encryption: This is used to encrypt plain text. We need to pass the Public Key along with Plain text
PGP_Text_Decryption: This is used to decrypt the encrypted text. We need to pass a private Key and passphrase along with Plain text. We need to send Passpharse same as used while creating keys.
PGP_File_Encryption: This is used to encrypt file. We must pass the Public Key along with the source file as binary data. Action will return the encrypted file as binary. Please make sure to save the file with the extension as .pgp
PGP_File_Encryption: This is used to Decrypt file. We must pass the Private Key and passphrase along with the encrypted file as binary data. Action will return the decrypted file as binary. Please make sure to save the file with the extension as .pgp