Service icon


Stable version 1.0.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 22 Jul
Ashis Rout(https://www.outsystems.com/profile/mzbvo1poki/overview)
 (3 ratings)



About The Connector & Demo  

This Forge component includes a Connector for OpenAI's Chat Completion Model. Additionally, we've integrated a demo application to showcase how to leverage the connector effectively, allowing you to prompt queries on a specified document and promptly receive responses. The demo application is user-friendly, and we urge you to explore various use cases to address business challenges. Our objective is to provide you with a starting point and harness the power of GenAI to enhance your applications and solve business problems effectively.


Here is the step-by-step documentation for getting the Open AI API credentials

Step 1: 

Login with your credentials and move into the URL: OpenAI Platform 


Step 2:  

Move into API application and click on the API keys tab on the side menu 

Step 3: 

Create a new secret key for your credentials. 


Configuring OutSystems Demo Application 

Then Add that key as Site property of our demo application to continue our services 


About the Demo Application 

In the demo screen, 

  1. You have to select a file from your local drive to upload. 

  1. Upload that file using the icon in the demo application. 

  1. Select the file (in case of multiple files) on which you need to ask questions. 

  1. You can you prompts and the answer will be shown from that document itself.  

Note: Under the cover, the Open AI Generative AI Model will fetch you the answer. 

Before Update

After Update

Please feel free to contact us, in case you have any queries in this component. Please stay tuned, more of the Generative AI ODC connectors with google, AWS and Azure. 


Thank you for downloading and reading our content. 


About The Connector & Demo  

This Forge component includes a Connector for OpenAI's Chat Completion Model. Additionally, we've integrated a demo application to showcase how to leverage the connector effectively, allowing you to prompt queries on a specified document and promptly receive responses. The demo application is user-friendly, and we urge you to explore various use cases to address business challenges. Our objective is to provide you with a starting point and harness the power of GenAI to enhance your applications and solve business problems effectively.


Here is the step-by-step documentation for getting the Open AI API credentials

Step 1: 

Login with your credentials and move into the URL: OpenAI Platform 


Step 2:  

Move into API application and click on the API keys tab on the side menu 

Step 3: 

Create a new secret key for your credentials. 


Configuring OutSystems Demo Application 

Then Add that key as Site property of our demo application to continue our services 


About the Demo Application 

In the demo screen, 

  1. You have to select a file from your local drive to upload. 

  1. Upload that file using the icon in the demo application. 

  1. Select the file (in case of multiple files) on which you need to ask questions. 

  1. You can you prompts and the answer will be shown from that document itself.  

Note: Under the cover, the Open AI Generative AI Model will fetch you the answer. 


Please feel free to contact us, in case you have any queries in this component. Please stay tuned, more of the Generative AI ODC connectors with google, AWS and Azure. 


Thank you for downloading and reading our content.