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Feedback Jira Cloud Driver

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 19 Apr by 
 (3 ratings)

Feedback Jira Cloud Driver


This asset creates issues as stories inside of an epic by default.

The Epic is created inside the Project Configuration on the Feedback Router App. You can change the issue types by modifying the code.

This API Considers that your Jira configurations are vanilla, meaning stories and epics do not need any extra mandatory fields than the ones that are standard to Jira. If you have any modifications that are mandatory on your issues, you will need to change the REST call yourself to understand what needs to be addressed, as every jira installation will be different.

No setup should be necessary on this asset if your jira is vanilla. Check the documentation on Feedback Sync and Feedback Router to complete the sync process.

To reference this module on the Feedback Router app, set the Driver Module Name as Driver_JiraCloud.