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Feedback Sync

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 18 Apr by 
 (3 ratings)

Feedback Sync


The feedback sync app is the app responsible for obtaining the submitted feedback on ECT Provider and sending it to the Router app. Synced feedback will have its status set to “Closed”, meaning that they were Solved on ECT Provider.


  1. Access Feedback Sync Project Configurations -;

  2. Login with an user with the Feedback Manager role(ECT_Provider)

  3. Create a new Project Configuration;

  4. Fill the form

    1. Name it as you want, identifying which (Jira, Azure) project this configuration is related to

    2. Router Server Base URL - Base URL of the Router server. Eg: “”.

    3. User Owner - User that will be responsible for closing feedback

    4. Environment Type - A label to identify on the task that will be synced to your PM tool which environment is the feedback from.

    5. Link To Anonymous Screen - If whoever is going to analyze the submitted feedback on your PM tool do not have a user on te application to be able to see the submitted feedback, toggle this option to enable submitted feedback using this configuration to be rendered on an anonymous screen

    6. Project Configuration GUID in Router - If you already have it from the Router configuration, then add id now. If not then you may add it later.

  5. Save changes

  6. On the detail screen, a new table will appear for you to configure the applications to be targeted by configuration.

  7. You should exchange your Public Key with the router so that you can obtain the configuration GUID.

  8. Once everything is completed, save changes, and they you may try to validate if the communication is ok. If the validation is successful, and the configuration on the router was also performed correctly, then your project is ready to start creating issues on your PM Tool.