Reactive icon

Sketch Decoration

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 30 Jan
 (1 rating)

Sketch Decoration



  1. Include the Sketch Decoration dependency in your application;
  2. Add the Sketch Decoration to the screen/block where you want to use it;
  3. Add content to its placeholder;
  4. Configure its parameters to suit your preferences.


  • Type: Decoration style (underline, box, bracket, circle, crossed-off, highlight, or strike-through).
  • IsShowing: Turn on/off the decoration visibility.
  • IsAnimated: Turn on/off animation.
  • AnimationDuration: Duration of the animation in milliseconds.
  • AnimationDelay: Delay to start the animation in milliseconds.
  • Color: Color of the decoration.
  • StrokeWidth: Width of the decoration strokes in pixels.
  • Iterations: By default decorations are drawn in two iterations, e.g. when underlining, drawing from left to right and then back from right to left. This parameter lets you configure the number of iterations.
  • IsMultiline: Set to True to decorate multiline text (each line separately). Wrap the content in an HTML span element when using the Text widget.
  • ExtendedClass: Classes to add to the block's wrapper.
  • ExtendedOptions: To set custom options (JSON).
    • brackets: Value could be a string or an array of strings, each string being one of these values: left, right, top, bottom. When drawing a bracket, this configures which side(s) of the element to bracket. Default value is right.
    • padding: Padding between the element and roughly where the annotation is drawn. Default value is 5 (in pixels). If you wish to specify different top, left, right, bottom paddings, you can set the value to an array akin to CSS style padding [top, right, bottom, left] or just [top & bottom, left & right].
    • rtl: By default decorations are drawn from left to right. To start with right to left, set this property to true.