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Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 10 Jan by 
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The Kanban board developed with drag and drop functionality is a versatile Forge component that utilizes JavaScript to enable seamless task management across various stages and environments. The board is designed with a user-friendly interface, allowing users to effortlessly move tasks between categories such as "To Do""In Progress", and "Done". Furthermore, it incorporates different environments such as development, production, and testing. The drag-and-drop feature enhances user efficiency, streamlining the workflow and promoting a more agile and collaborative development process.  

Below are the actions used for developing this forge component. 

Screen Actions - 

  • OnRender – This action is used to call all the required JavaScript on the time of screen render.  

  • UpdateEnvironment – This action is used to update the environment of the elements after dragging and dropping them. 

  • SaveDetail – This action is used to add new tasks.