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Client Text Utils

Stable version 1.0.3 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 20 March 2024
 (7 ratings)

Client Text Utils

  • CamelCase: Applies camelCase to a string (single word without space, with first word lowercase and others capitalized).

  • PascalCase: Applies PascalCase to a string (single word without space, all words capitalized).

  • ProperCase: Applies Proper Case to a string (every word capitalized).

  • SentenceCase: Applies Sentence case to a string (first word of the sentence capitalized).

  • SnakeCase: Applies snake_case to a string (all words lowercase, space replaced by underscore).

  • Regex_Match: Returns a the first result of matching the string using a regular expression. If no match is found, returns an empty string.

  • Regex_MatchAll: Returns a list of all results matching the string using a regular expression. If no match is found, returns an empty list.

  • Regex_Replace: Returns a new string with the matches of the Pattern replaced by the Replacement.

  • Regex_Search: Searches for a match between a regular expression and the string, returning the index of the first match in the string. If no match is found, it returns -1.

  • EndsWith: Indicates whether a string ends with the given suffix characters.

  • Insert: Inserts a value into a string at a given index.

  • Join: Concatenates a list of strings, returning a single string with the items separated by the Separator.

  • LastIndexOf: Returns the index of the last occurrence of a given SearchedText in a string. If the SearchedText is not found in the string, returns -1.

  • Split: Splits a string into a text list. The items are separated by the Separator.

  • StartsWith: Indicates whether the string begins with the given prefix characters.

  • CopyToClipboard: Copy a string to the clipboard. None of the parameters are mandatory and only one must be filled, but if no value is passed, IsSuccess will return False.

  • CountWords: Returns the number of words in a string.

  • HtmlToPlainText: Converts HTML code to plain text

  • IsEmailValid: Verifies if the provided email is valid.

  • IsEven: Verifies if the provided number is odd or even.

  • IsNaN: Verifies if the provided number is Not-a-Number.

  • RemoveExtraSpaces: Removes extra spaces from a string.

  • RemoveSpecialCharacters: Removes special characters from a string, returning only the letters and numbers.

  • Regex_Match: Returns a the first result of matching the string using a regular expression. If no match is found, returns an empty string.

  • Regex_MatchAll: Returns a list of all results matching the string using a regular expression. If no match is found, returns an empty list.

  • Regex_Replace: Returns a new string with the matches of the Pattern replaced by the Replacement.

  • Regex_Search: Searches for a match between a regular expression and the string, returning the index of the first match in the string. If no match is found, it returns -1.

  • EndsWith: Indicates whether a string ends with the given suffix characters.

  • Insert: Inserts a value into a string at a given index.

  • Join: Concatenates a list of strings, returning a single string with the items separated by the Separator.

  • LastIndexOf: Returns the index of the last occurrence of a given SearchedText in a string. If the SearchedText is not found in the string, returns -1.

  • Split: Splits a string into a text list. The items are separated by the Separator.

  • StartsWith: Indicates whether the string begins with the given prefix characters.

  • CopyToClipboard: Copy a string to the clipboard. None of the parameters are mandatory and only one must be filled, but if no value is passed, IsSuccess will return False.

  • CountWords: Returns the number of words in a string.

  • HtmlToPlainText: Converts HTML code to plain text

  • IsEmailValid: Verify if the provided email is valid.

  • IsEven: Verify if the provided number is odd or even.

  • IsNaN: Verify if the provided number is Not-a-Number.

  • RemoveExtraSpaces: Removes extra spaces from a string.

  • RemoveSpecialCharacters: Removes special characters from a string, returning only the letters and numbers.

  • Regex_Match: Returns a the first result of matching the string using a regular expression. If no match is found, returns an empty string.

  • Regex_MatchAll: Returns a list of all results matching the string using a regular expression. If no match is found, returns an empty list.

  • Regex_Replace: Returns a new string with the matches of the Pattern replaced by the Replacement.

  • Regex_Search: Searches for a match between a regular expression and the string, returning the index of the first match in the string. If no match is found, it returns -1.

  • Join: Concatenates a list of strings, returning a single string with the items separated by the Separator.

  • LastIndexOf: Returns the index of the last occurrence of a given SearchedText in a string. If the SearchedText is not found in the string, returns -1.

  • Split: Splits a string into a text list. The items are separated by the Separator.

  • CopyToClipboard: Copy a string to the clipboard. None of the parameters are mandatory and only one must be filled, but if no value is passed, IsSuccess will return False.

  • CountWords: Returns the number of words in a string.

  • HtmlToPlainText: Converts HTML code to plain text

  • IsEmailValid: Verify if the provided email is valid.

  • IsEven: Verify if the provided number is odd or even.

  • IsNaN: Verify if the provided number is Not-a-Number.

  • RemoveExtraSpaces: Removes extra spaces from a string.

  • RemoveSpecialCharacters: Removes special characters from a string, returning only the letters and numbers.

  • Regex_Match: Returns a the first result of matching the string using a regular expression. If no match is found, returns an empty string.

  • Regex_MatchAll: Returns a list of all results matching the string using a regular expression. If no match is found, returns an empty list.

  • Regex_Replace: Returns a new string with the matches of the Pattern replaced by the Replacement.

  • Regex_Search: Searches for a match between a regular expression and the string, returning the index of the first match in the string. If no match is found, it returns -1.

  • Join: Concatenates a list of strings, returning a single string with the items separated by the Separator.

  • LastIndexOf: Returns the index of the last occurrence of a given SearchedText in a string. If the SearchedText is not found in the string, returns -1.

  • Split: Splits a string into a text list. The items are separated by the Separator.

  • CopyToClipboard: Copy a string to the clipboard. None of the parameters are mandatory and only one must be filled, but if no value is passed, IsSuccess will return False.

  • CountWords: Returns the number of words in a string.

  • HtmlToPlainText: Converts HTML code to plain text.

  • RemoveExtraSpaces: Removes extra spaces from a string.

  • RemoveSpecialCharacters: Removes special characters from a string, returning only the letters and numbers.