Provides multiple Dev Patterns you can use to enhance your OutSystems applications in advanced use cases.
You can check the demo application to learn how they work.
.... and more to come
- Event dispatcher & listener
- Popup
- Cached Responses
- Key Listener
- Async Action
- Async Data Refresh
- Command Pallete
- Parameters Changed notifier
- Fetch Controller
- Watch Variable
- Watch Value
- Click Outside Listener
- Accessible Dialogs (with focus trap helpers)
- Lazy Accordion Content
- Lazy Tab Content
- Lazy Sidebar Content
- Lazy Bottom Sheet Content
- Lazy Zone Loader
- kbd shortcuts
- Sidebar Visibility Tracker
- Reactive Condition
- Stack
- Queue
- Interaction Guard
- Dev Preview
- Interval
- Draft
- Reveal Animation
- Image Load
- Debounce
- Timeout
- Sleep
- Local Storage
- Session Storage
- InjectHTML
- Intersection Observer
Provides multiple dev patterns you can use to enhance your Reactive Web applications in advanced use cases.
- Lazy Sidebar
- Variable Watcher
- LazyAccordionContent
- LazyTabContent
- LazySidebar
- SidebarVisibilityTracker
- ReactiveCondition
- InteractionGuard
- DevPreview
- RevealAnimation
- ImageLoad
- WatchValue
- .... and more to come
- Key listener
- Parameters changed listener
- Fetch controller
Demo coming soon