Offline Detection Warning Lib

Offline Detection Warning Lib (ODC)

Stable version 0.1.0 (Compatible with ODC)
Uploaded on 24 October 2023 by OutSystems Labs
Offline Detection Warning Lib

Offline Detection Warning Lib (ODC)


How to use:

Recommended: Drag the component WebBlock to the pages layouts. you can check the pattern on the Offline Detection Warning Demo.

You don’t need generate the app again.


  • Checking - Testing the connection

  • ConfirmedOffline - A connection test has failed, fired even if the connection was already offline

  • ConfirmedOnline - A connection test has succeeded, fired even if the connection was already online

  • Offline - The connection has gone from online to offline

  • Online- The connection has gone from offline to online

  • RequestsCapture - A new request is being held (if RemakeRequests flag is set to true)

  • RequestsFlush - Any pending requests have been remade (if RemakeRequests flag is set to true)