Data Anonymization

Data Anonymization (ODC)

Stable version 0.1.0 (Compatible with ODC)
Uploaded on 24 October 2023 by OutSystems Labs
Data Anonymization

Data Anonymization (ODC)


Developers can use this application to easily interact with the DataAnonymizationLibrary. 

Setup process:

  • ​Grant the admin/Rules administrator end user access;
  • Access the Application and set rules. RuleSet and Rule don't have any validation applied. Should be used to organize your rules into domains and avoid clashes. 


  • ​Use the JSON Serialize action to convert OutSystems entities into JSON;
  • Call the ProtectData Service Action with the JSON structure and the list of Rules (RuleSet, Rule) to apply;
  • Convert the Output back to the initial structure using the JSON Deserialize client action.

This application has 2 exceptions:

  • RuleNotFound - If searching the database with the pair RuleSet:Rule provides zero or multiple results;
  • ManipulationTypeNotFound - If the Manipulation Type set is not found.