Reactive icon

Syntax Highlight

Stable version 1.0.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 03 November 2023
 (2 ratings)

Syntax Highlight


Explore the comprehensive demo to discover the diverse range of supported languages and available themes.

You may also download the demo next to the install button to better understand the implementation of this component.

Your participation is welcomed and encouraged; feel free to share your suggestions or report any issues in the dedicated support tab. Kindly communicate in the English language for efficient collaboration and support.


Explore the comprehensive demo to discover the diverse range of supported languages and available themes.

You may also download the demo next to the install button to better understand the implementation of this component.

Your participation is welcomed and encouraged; feel free to share your suggestions or report any issues in the dedicated support tab. Kindly communicate in the English language for efficient collaboration and support.