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Credit Card Number Mask

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 28 September 2023
 (0 ratings)

Credit Card Number Mask


Credit Card Number Mask is very easy to use just take reference of CreditCardNumberMask block from Credit Card Number Mask application and associated it with input field which you expect to enter Credit card number.

It'll take 3 inputs and it has an event which tell you Credit card company/bank name.

Input Parameterise:

1. InputWidgetId - Input widget id which content need to be format.

Mandatory - Yes

2. CreditCard - A Boolean value indicates if this is a credit card input field. Enable to trigger credit card shortcut mode.

Mandatory - Yes

3. CreditCardStrictMode - A Boolean value indicates if enable credit card strict mode, Expand use of 19-digit PANs for supported credit card. 

Mandatory - No

Default Value - False


1. InputWidgetId - Return credit card name/type it'll be triggered after or during enter credit card number.

For more details download the demo app.