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Binary Data Extensions

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 15 September 2023
 (0 ratings)

Binary Data Extensions


Binary Data Actions

Binary to Base64 


Adding the variables for transformation.

Create 2 variables.

The first one, rename it to "BinaryData" and place the Data Type as Binary to pass for the transformation.

The second one rename it to "Base64" and place the Data Type as text to receive the result of the transformation.

Create a Client Action and fill the inputs to execute the transformation.

Name the client action to "BinaryToBase64".Go to Logic and Drag and Drop the "BinaryToBase64" action and an Assign to the flow.

fill the inputs as the images.

Base64 to Binary




Adding the variables for transformation.


Create 2 variables.

The first one rename it to "Base64" and place the Data Type as text to pass for the transformation. The second one, rename it to "BinaryData" and place the Data Type as Binary to receive the result of the transformation.

Implementing the transformation in a flow.


Create a Client Action and fill the inputs to execute the transformation.

Name the client action to "Base64ToBinary".

Go to Logic and Drag and Drop the "Base64ToBinary" action and an Assign to the flow.



Calculate the Size




Adding the variables for Calculation.

Create 2 local variables. The first one, rename it to "BinaryData" and place the Data Type as Binary to pass for the calculation. The second one rename it to "Size" and place the Data Type as text to receive the result of the calculation.

Implementing the Calculation in a flow.


Create a Client Action and fill the inputs to perform the transformation.


Name the client action to "CalculateSize".

Go to Logic and Drag and Drop the "BinaryDataSize" action, after Drag and Drop the "BinarySizeFormat" action and an Assign to the flow.

Binary to Text



Adding the variables for transformation.


Create 2 variables.

The first one, rename it to "BinaryData" and place the Data Type as Binary to pass for the transformation. The second one rename it to "Text" and place the Data Type as text (the one who is the result of transformation).

Implementing the transformation in a flow.


Create a Client Action and fill the inputs to execute the transformation.

Name the client action to "BinaryToText".

Go to Logic and Drag and Drop the "BinaryToText" action and an Assign to the flow.


Text to Binary 



Adding the variables for transformation


Create 2 variables.

The first one, rename it to "Text" and place the Data Type as Text to pass for the transformation. The second one rename it to "BinaryData" and place the Data Type as Binary(the one who is the result of transformation).

Implementing the transformation in a flow.


Create a Client Action and fill the inputs to execute the transformation.


Name the client action to "Text To Binary".

Go to Logic and Drag and Drop the "TextToBinary" action and an Assign to the flow.





Adding the variables for transformation


Create 3 variables.

The first one, rename it to "BinaryData1" and place the Data Type as BinaryData to pass for the transformation. The second one rename it to "BinaryData2" and place the Data Type as Binary 

and third IsSame with datatype as Boolean(the one who is the result of transformation).


Implementing the transformation in a flow.


Create a Client Action and fill the inputs to execute the transformation.


Name the client action to "Compare".

Go to Logic and Drag and Drop the "Compare" action and an Assign to the flow.