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Whautomate AI Live Chat widget - Multi Channel

Stable version 1.0.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 05 September 2023
 (2 ratings)

Whautomate AI Live Chat widget - Multi Channel


Setup Live Chat:

  1. Sign up for a trial account with Whautomate - https://whautomate.com
  2. Navigate to Integrations -> Click Connect on Live Chat
  3. Configure your live chat widget and channels according to your need
  4. Make of note of these values:
  5. Drag and drop the Live Chat widget to pages of your preference or common Layout if you want the widget to appear on all pages:
  6. Configure the widget with the values you see in Installation Instructions in step 4:
  7. Publish the application and open the page, you should see the widget. 

If you have CSP enabled, you need to allow iframe from livechat.whautomate.com / livechat.in.whautomate.com

Additional Help Guide:


Setup Live Chat:

  1. Sign up for a trial account with Whautomate - https://whautomate.com
  2. Navigate to Integrations -> Click Connect on Live Chat
  3. Configure your live chat widget and channels according to your need
  4. Make of note of these values:
  5. Drag and drop the Live Chat widget to pages of your preference or common Layout if you want the widget to appear on all pages:
  6. Configure the widget with the values you see in Installation Instructions in step 4:
  7. Publish the application and open the page, you should see the widget. 

If you have CSP enabled, you need to allow iframe from livechat.whautomate.com / livechat.in.whautomate.com

Additional Help Guide: