Star Rating Widget

Star Rating Widget (ODC)

Stable version 0.1.1 (Compatible with ODC)
Uploaded on 21 October 2022 by Product League
Star Rating Widget

Star Rating Widget (ODC)


Usage - Short Version:

  1. Add StarRatingWidget_CW as a dependency to your project.

  2. Add StarRating or StarRatingSmall to your desired screen(s).

  3. Consume the OnClick event and optionally set Variables and CSS.

Usage - Detailed Version:

  • Under Manage Dependencies, choose StarRatingWidget_CW and decide if you want to consume StarRating, StarRatingSmall, or both.

  • Open Desired Screen in your project. From UI Flows - MainFlow - StarRatingWidgets_CW - StarRatingWidgets, drag the widget onto the screen in the desired location.

  • Consume the OnStarClicked event. Usually you will want this to update your Rating local variable. Update any Save actions as needed.

  • [Optional] Set value to Rating [Default: 0] to assign the value of the Rating.

  • [Optional] Set value to CanChangeRating [Default: true] to determine whether rating can be updated.

  • [Optional] Set value to MaxRating [Default: 5] to decide the number of available stars.

  • [Optional] Set the star color by updating the CSS class .star-rating.