Slack Messenger

Slack Messenger (ODC)

Stable version 0.1.0 (Compatible with ODC)
Uploaded on 22 March 2023 by Truewind
Slack Messenger

Slack Messenger (ODC)


Slack steps to integrate

1 - First you need install this component in your environment;
2 - Go to your slack area ( and create one application;
3 - In the OAuth & Permissions tab, add the scopes to read channels and write messages (Find the scopes in the api method page);
4 - Install the application in your slack environment;
5 - Copy the bot user OAuth Access token and update the BotAccessToken site property value in service center;
6 - Now you are able to get a list of your channels and send messages for slack channels.

More information
- Slack api methods:
- Message builder to personalize message: