Add the preferred mask next to the input element.
Add the input element id to the mask element and fill in your preferences.
For Currency:
InputId : Id of the input element
DecimalDigits : Amount of decimal digits to display
PrefixText : Character(s) to add before the currency
SuffixText : Character(s) to add after the currency
DecimalSeparator : Character(s) indicating start of the decimal group
GroupSeparator : Character(s) in between number groups
AlwaysShowDecimals : Currently not in use
UseNumericInput : Numeric input direction. Keeps the caret at the end. Previously typed values will shift left.
For Numbers:
For Percentages:
DecimalSeparator : Character(s) indicating start of the decimal group (Advised to use a "." to prevent weird behavior)
For Dates:
Dateformat : Date format separated by '-' or '/' Full date Formats with '-' : yyyy-mm-dd , mm-dd-yyyy , dd-mm- yyyy. Half-Formats with '-': dd-mm , mm-dd , yyyy-mm , yy-mm, mm- yyyy, mm-yy When using Half-Format you need to use a text variable as the input source. Also, the initial text value must match server date format. e.g: with server format 'YYYY-MM-DD' the initial value must be '2020-12' for a 'mm-yyyy' mask to work properly
MaskPattern : Amount of decimal digits to display
jitMasking : Just in time masking. Mask will only be displayed when the user types
UnMask : If set to false, the value will be sent with the mask