Camera Overlay Plugin

Camera Overlay Plugin (ODC)

Stable version 0.1.0 (Compatible with ODC)
Uploaded on 22 June 2023 by Ifabula Digital Kreasi
Camera Overlay Plugin

Camera Overlay Plugin (ODC)

This plugin provides customizable image layer in front of the camera, using HTML5 and Javascript.
Can be used on Mobile and Reactive Web.



1. Drag the "CameraOverlay" block to the screen

2. Define the input parameters:

  • Width: Width of the camera in px
  • Height: Height of the camera in px
  • ImageScale: Scale of image result, value 0 to 1, default 0.5
  • BackgroundColor: Background color for action
  • IconColor: Color for the camera icon
  • IsFrontCam: Using front cam or rear/back cam (only for Mobile app), default True

3. Add image layer in the "HTMLPlaceholder"


1. For better result, set the width and height of the camera and the width and height of the image for the overlay the same size.

2. For mobile use, make sure the app already have Camera Permission allowed.


For reference, check OS11 version at: