Once the library is installed is ready to be used.
For you to understand how you can compose your tests read this article: Your Complete Guide To BDD Testing In the OutSystems Low-Code Platform (note: the article uses traditional applications, but the principles are the same when using it for reactive/mobile)
Along with the BDD Framework, we also provide an application that has templates to accelerate the implementation of the tests and to help you understand how to use the framework.
Before start creating tests, install the template application:
Now the strategy to implement the tests depends if the features rely on the actions inside of your application or if they rely on components from a library. So, follow below the strategy that applies better to your use case.
Strategy A - Create a Test for a feature relying on the actions inside your application:
Strategy B - Create a Test for a feature relying on components inside a library or if you want to test your exposed APIs or Integrations being consumed by your application:
Security of the screens:
The BDD Framework provides layouts that need to receive an auth token and its value will be validated against the value of the setting that you can define on the app where you have your tests built:
App Settings:
Configure the security of your test screens:
How to run your tests:
Disable the token:
Adding Tags to Scenarios
The BDD Scenario screen has a Tags placeholder, to which you can drag tags for a test scenario. The Tags placeholder is between the scenario Description and Setup placeholder files. You can add one or more tags to the Tags placeholder.
Adding tags to scenarios is easy. You simply search for the tag in the TestTags flow and drag it to the Tag placeholder in your scenario block. And you're done!