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Simple Copy To Clipboard

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 14 July 2023 by 
 (4 ratings)

Simple Copy To Clipboard


To use the Simple Copy To Clipboard, you can choose to call the CopyToClipboard client action directly in your flow, or include the CopyToClipboard WebBlock on your screen, inserting an icon, expression, container, etc. inside of the placeholder, which will call the CopyToClipboard action when clicked.

Both the action and the block have only 3 optional input parameters, which must be filled in according to your needs: ValueToCopy if you want to copy a text, WidgetId if you want to copy the content of a widget (except dropdowns), and DropdownId if want to copy the current item from a dropdown.

The action has two return parameters: IsSuccess, which informs whether the process was successfully performed, and Message, which returns a description if an error occurs. In cases of success, the Message parameter will return empty.

The WebBlock has the return through the Copied event, which have the same parameters as the action, IsSuccess and Message.